Sneako’s Relationship History: From Ex-Girlfriends To Current Partners

Key Takeaways

  • Sneako faced criticism for posting pictures with @mayasimiii. People questioned if he was staying true to Islamic values.
  • There were whispers that Sneako was dating Xena (@xenathewitcher). Then she was seen kissing another woman, sparking more gossip.
  • Sneako seems close to @mayasimiii, but no one knows if they’re dating. Everyone’s curious, though.
  • During a live Q&A, things got awkward when Sneako avoided questions about possibly dating Sara Saffari. She later confirmed she’s single.
  • An alleged ex-girlfriend called Sneako a liar and manipulator on Twitter. He denied it, leaving people divided on the issue.

Sneako, a social media figure known for stirring up debate, recently caught everyone’s attention again. In September 2023, he posted pictures with @mayasimiii—thought to be Maya from TikTok—on Twitter. These photos sparked a lot of talk and criticism. People pointed out that the pictures seemed to clash with Sneako’s claimed Islamic beliefs. We’re not sure exactly their relationship, but this situation highlights how much Sneako’s personal life is always under the microscope. It keeps adding layers to his already complex public image.

Sneako’s Previous Relationships

Relationship with Xena in April 2023

Relationship with Xena in April 2023

In April 2023, there were rumors about the social media influencer and Xena, known online as @xenathewitcher. The details were unclear, especially after Xena was seen kissing another woman on a live stream. This caused people to accuse Sneako of not being true to Islamic values for his benefit.

Later, in July, Xena tweeted her frustration with Sneako. She claimed he wouldn’t go public about their relationship and was also seeing another woman named Sydney. This situation led to more discussions about whether Sneako was being genuine in how he presented himself and his relationships.

Current Relationship Status

Sneako is dating an influencer named Maya, who goes by @mayasimiii online. There’s been much talk about his past relationship with Sara Saffari, especially after a fan brought it up recently. Plus, an ex-girlfriend seems to have called him out publicly on Twitter. All this drama makes Sneako’s love life interesting to his fans and the public.

Dating influencer @mayasimiii

Dating influencer @mayasimiii

Recent posts on social media with Sneako and @mayasimiii have people wondering if they’re dating. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Being Seen Together: They’ve been spotted at several events looking close.
  2. Online Chats: They always chat on social media, showing love in their posts.
  3. Fans Are Talking: Everyone following them can’t stop guessing if they’re a couple, based on everything they post.
  4. Keeping It Quiet: Even with all the gossip, neither Sneako nor @mayasimiii has said anything official about being together.

Awkward fan question about past relationship with Sara Saffari

A fan recently asked Sneako about rumors of him dating Sara Saffari during a live Q&A, which surprised him. Sneako dodged the question, not saying yes or no. This made people even more curious.

Sara Saffari, well-known in the fitness world, had already said on her social media that she’s single and not romantically linked to Sneako. This whole thing has people talking again about Sneako’s personal life, with everyone waiting to see what he’ll say next.

Alleged ex-girlfriend calls out Sneako on Twitter

Sneako’s personal life is back in the spotlight after an alleged ex-girlfriend called him out on Twitter. This has stirred up more talk about his past relationships.

  1. Accusations: His ex accused him of lying and manipulating her during their time together.
  2. Public Response: Sneako hit back, denying everything and criticizing her for making it public.
  3. Followers’ Reaction: The Twitter post quickly got much attention, with people split between supporting and criticizing him.
  4. Impact on Image: This incident might have damaged Sneako’s public image, adding more controversy to his relationship history.


Sneako’s love life shows how much people care about celebrities’ private lives today. Even though there’s been some fuss over his religious beliefs and whether his relationships are genuine, people can’t stop talking about who he’s dating. This shows how we all get caught up in the lives of famous people, for better or for worse.

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