The Life And Legacy Of Aaron Hernandez’s Daughter: Avielle Janelle Hernandez

Key Takeaways

  • Avielle Janelle Hernandez was born on November 6, 2012. She is the daughter of the late NFL player Aaron Hernandez.
  • Her father’s legal troubles and death brought her a lot of media attention.
  • Her mother, Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez, mainly raises her. Avielle has a supportive family around her.
  • She loves to dance, which helps her enjoy life despite the public’s eyes on her.
  • Even with a tough start, she lives an everyday life, enjoying special moments with her family.


Avielle Janelle Hernandez was born on November 6, 2012. She is the daughter of the late NFL player Aaron Hernandez and his fiancée, Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez. Avielle’s early years were marked by her father’s legal issues and death in 2017.

She grew up in Rhode Island with her mother. Despite the challenges, Shayanna has worked hard to give Avielle a stable and happy home. She often posts about their life on social media, showing the regular and joyful moments they share.

Who is Avielle Janelle Hernandez?

Daughter of late NFL star Aaron Hernandez

Avielle Janelle Hernandez, the daughter of the late NFL player Aaron Hernandez, has grown up under the shadow of her father’s controversial legacy. Her mother, Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez, has been her primary caregiver, striving to maintain an everyday life amidst public scrutiny.

aaron hernandez daughter

Despite the challenges linked to her father’s past, Avielle has had a relatively protected childhood. Her mother has been crucial in this, often sharing updates on social media that highlight their close relationship and Avielle’s development away from her father’s troubled history.

Born in 2012

In 2012, at the peak of Aaron Hernandez’s NFL career, his daughter Avielle Janelle Hernandez was born. As the daughter of the former New England Patriots tight end, Avielle grew up under the shadow of her father’s public legal troubles. She was born on November 6, the same day as her father’s birthday, a mixed moment of joy during his successful yet troubled life.

2012Avielle Janelle Hernandez is bornDuring Aaron’s NFL career
2013Aaron Hernandez is arrestedAvielle was just seven months old
2017Aaron Hernandez diesAvielle was four, affecting her deeply

Has a younger sibling

Shayanna Jenkins added to her family by welcoming baby Giselle in June 2018, giving Avielle Janelle Hernandez a younger sister. This new addition brought joy and enriched Avielle’s life as a big sister.

avielle janelle hernandez
  • Giselle’s arrival made their family bigger and changed their daily life.
  • Avielle took to her new role as a big sister well, showing care and protection for Giselle.
  • People are interested in the sisters and often respond well to updates on social media.

Despite the public’s interest, Shayanna tries to keep their lives private and regular, focusing on their health and growth.

Is a dancer

Avielle Janelle Hernandez loves to dance, starting at six years old. Her mother, Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez, often posts videos and photos of Avielle dancing on social media. These posts show her progress and commitment to dancing.

Even though her father Aaron Hernandez’s past brings challenges, Avielle finds happiness in dancing. It helps her feel average and proud despite the public attention on her family. There have also been discussions about using her trust fund to pay for her dance classes.

Avielle Janelle Hernandez’s Life and Legacy

Attended father’s trial as a young child

At four years old, Avielle Janelle Hernandez was present at her father’s second murder trial, a significant event in her young life. Being so young, this experience profoundly influenced how she saw her father and the world.

Critical moments during the trial include:

  • Aaron Hernandez, her father, blew kisses to Avielle during jury deliberations. This action drew a lot of attention in the courtroom.
  • Avielle looked confused and upset as she tried to make sense of what was happening around her.
  • This trial was the last time Avielle saw her father alive, which complicated her memories of him.
  • The media paid a lot of attention to Avielle, bringing her unwanted publicity and interest.

Celebrated her 11th birthday on her father’s birthday

Avielle Janelle Hernandez turned 11 on her late father Aaron Hernandez’s birthday. Born on November 6, 2012, she shares this day with her father, creating a deep emotional link.

Despite Aaron’s troubled past, this shared birthday reminds Avielle of her father every year. Celebrating this day brings mixed feelings, blending happiness with reflection on the past, showing how family connections continue to shape us.

Currently lives with her mother in Rhode Island

aaron hernandez daughter today

Avielle Janelle Hernandez lives with her mother, Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez, in Rhode Island. They are building a life together despite the authoritarian past linked to her father, Aaron Hernandez. Avielle’s life, filled with love and everyday activities, often appears in her mother’s social media posts.

  • Family Time: Shayanna often posts about their outings and activities at home.
  • Celebrations: They make a big deal out of birthdays and holidays.
  • Support System: Avielle has a lot of family and friends around her.
  • Personal Growth: She takes part in activities that make her happy and help her grow.


In conclusion, Avielle Janelle Hernandez’s life has been heavily shaped by her father’s past and her family’s financial issues. Growing up, she faced the significant impact of Aaron Hernandez’s legal issues and death.

Her mother, Shayanna Jenkins, has been accused of mismanaging Avielle’s trust fund, which only adds to the pressure. Despite these challenges, posts by Jenkins show that Avielle is being raised with love and is involved in normal activities like dance. As she grows, the effects of her financial and emotional inheritance will clearly influence her growth and identity.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Avielle Commemorate Her Father Aaron Hernandez’s Birthday Each Year?

Avielle Janelle Hernandez remembers her father Aaron Hernandez on his birthday each year, which is also her own birthday. She uses this day to reflect and remember him.

What Are Avielle’s Favorite Memories With Her Father Before His Arrest?

Avielle fondly remembers celebrating her birthday with her dad, since they share the same birthday. She also treasures the moments they spent together when she was young, before his arrest.

How Has Avielle’s Relationship With Her Half-Sister Giselle Influenced Her?

Avielle’s bond with her half-sister Giselle probably helps her feel connected to her family and supported, which makes her stronger and helps her grow emotionally, even when family life is tough.

What Are Avielle’s Aspirations or Dreams for Her Future?

Avielle loves dancing and started when she was six. She wants to work in the arts or perform someday, drawing from her lifelong passion.

How Does Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez Explain Aaron’s Past to Avielle?

Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez talks to Avielle about Aaron’s past in a simple way. She makes sure the explanations fit Avielle’s age and stresses the importance of learning from life’s different and complicated situations.

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